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Revolutionize eCommerce Search:

AI Drives Future of Discovery & Merchandising

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Duration: 50 minutes
Headshot of Roland Gossage, CEO at GroupBy Inc.
Roland Gossage
Headshot of Scott Benedict, RetailWire BrainTrust
Scott Benedict
RetailWire BrainTrust
Headshot of Hannah Foley, VP of Digital Products & Platforms at RS Group
Hannah Foley
VP, Digital Products & Platforms
online retail shop using GroupBy's next-gen search AI

AI is revolutionizing the eCommerce landscape!

Retailers worldwide are exploring AI technology to build resiliency, combat the impacts of this disruptive economic period, & drive higher revenues & operational efficiencies. One such technology breaking the norms since its inception in 2022 is GroupBy’s AI-first Search & Product Discovery Platform powered by a next-generation Google Cloud Retail Search Engine built on AI fundamentals from the ground up!

Presented in partnership with RetailWire, join our upcoming webinar to see how retailers are leveraging GroupBy’s technology to radically transform their eCommerce merchandising while creating extraordinary digital experiences for their shoppers.

Hear from GroupBy’s CEO Roland Gossage, RS Group’s VP of Digital Products & Platforms Hannah Foley, & RetailWire BrainTrust Member Scott Benedict as they walk you through real-life applications of this revolutionary technology, including optimizing productivity & increasing revenue.

Key highlights:

search icon with omnichannel branches coming out of sides - checkmark in the middle
Why AI search and product discovery plays such a pivotal role for enterprise retailers with millions of online search queries a month.
product merchandising icon
How AI is transforming traditional merchandising and helping customers have more accuracy and speed when shopping online.
icon of a desktop with gear overtop
How legacy search solutions and rule-based merchandising prevent retailers from focusing on activities that really move the needle.
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Why adding more features has not solved the core problems of legacy search technology – and how AI-first technology is different.

Meet the Speakers:

Headshot of Roland Gossage, CEO at GroupBy Inc.

Roland Gossage

CEO, GroupBy Inc.

Roland leads the overall vision, strategy, operations, and development of GroupBy to create a fundamentally better experience for eCommerce shoppers. Roland is a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, services, operations, and development in the enterprise software industry. His previous roles included Endeca, Cognos, Hummingbird Communications, and Pure Data. Prior to his career in software, Roland was a member in the Royal Canadian Armored Corps.

Headshot of Scott Benedict, RetailWire BrainTrust

Scott Benedict

RetailWire BrainTrust

Scott Benedict is an accomplished retail merchant, educator, consultant, author, advisory board member, keynote speaker, and digital retailing executive with more than 35 years of diverse experience spanning traditional brick-and-mortar retailing, eCommerce, omnichannel, and international retail merchandising and operations. Scott’s retail merchandising career included more than 25 years in the Consumer Electronics and General Merchandise categories before his more senior merchandising roles expanded his reach into Grocery, Pets, and CPG businesses and across specialty, wholesale club, mass, and catalog retail. Scott is the author of an upcoming book on digital merchandising and is a frequent guest speaker and writer on retail webinars, podcasts, as well as print and broadcast media interviews on the state of modern retailing in the omnichannel age.

Headshot of Hannah Foley, VP of Digital Products & Platforms at RS Group

Hannah Foley

VP, Digital Products & Platforms, RS Group

With 17 years of leadership in B2B distribution & retail space, Hannah Foley is a dynamic force driving customer centric digital change currently working as VP for Digital Products & Platforms at RS, a global omni-channel provider of product and service solutions for designers, builders and maintainers of industrial equipment and operations. As a prolific contributor, Hannah has authored chapters in two bestselling customer experience books, providing invaluable insights for businesses aiming to enhance customer interactions. Beyond their digital expertise, Hannah passionately advocates for women in leadership and recognizes the transformative power of diverse perspectives.

Access our report, co-produced with RetailWire, featuring the Top 11 Functions Modern eCommerce Merchandiser Should be Focused on in 2024 and Beyond!

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