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Deliver remarkable, site-wide conversions with relevant, buyable, personalized, & revenue-optimized search results!

GroupBy eCommerce Search App for Shopify

Display Google-quality search results that improve conversions with GroupBy’s Shopify App!

Increase conversions and site-wide metrics, enhance product findability, and boost search relevancy with next-generation search technology. Leverage GroupBy and Google’s expertise in AI and superior understanding of shopper intent to deliver the ultimate search experience. Modern search for modern shoppers - Deliver unmatched results from even the broadest queries!

GroupBy eCommerce Merchandising Platform with AI-led optimization & manual control

Save time on configuring and tuning search with an ideal balance of AI-led optimization & manual control

GroupBy’s next-generation search and product discovery platform minimizes the need for creation and configuration of search rules, enabling you to focus on revenue-generating initiatives. AI dynamically manages search results based on factors such as inventory status, customer preferences, and clickstream data with great accuracy for individually personalized and relevant customer search experiences. With a perfect balance of manual control and AI-led optimization deliver revenue-driven search results every time!

GroupBy Merchandising Platform for Shopify

Easily configure the shopper experience with our robust & dynamic merchandising platform

Built-in autocomplete, synonym management, filters and facets, and much more create a shopping experience that customers will love. Our intuitive and easy to use merchandising platform lets you manage your search experience, boost and bury key products, and set and define dynamic filters that help your customers find exactly what they’re looking for. Further control your product display experience with pagination controls. Once launched, actionable analytics enable you to further optimize the customer experience and make swift decisions based on real-time dashboards and visual reports on key website metrics.

Craft a product discovery experience that's personalized to each visitor

GroupBy eCommerce Hyper Personalized Search for Shopify
  • Search AI
      • Powered by Google Cloud Vertex AI Search for Retail
      • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
      • Personalized search results
      • Predictive autocomplete
  • Merchandising
      • Powerful rules engine to curate search results
      • Spotlight products with targeted campaigns
      • Linguistic controls to match search terms to products
      • Easily upsell and cross-sell throughout the customer journey
  • Enhanced Product Landing Pages
      • Add filters to help shoppers refine their search results
      • Customize the number of results per page
      • Allow shoppers to sort results
  • Analytics
      • Identify shopper search and purchasing trends
      • Actionable insights help drive user engagement and conversions
      • 365-day analytics retention
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Only pay for what you use with GroupBy’s all-inclusive pricing structure

No hidden fees, additional costs or third-party charges. Volume discounts starting at 50,000 queries per month!

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Tier 1 Star
Tier 1



First 30 days or 10,000 queries free!

Tier 2 Stars
Tier 2



10% discount

Tier 3 Stars
Tier 3



15% discount

GroupBy AI Search & Filter Other Competitors
Powered by Google Cloud Vertex AI Search for Retail green checkmark green x - other competitors have app fees
Fully Automated Onboarding, Set-Up & Configuration! green checkmark green x - other competitors have additional fees
Compatible with Latest Shopify Themes green checkmark green x - other competitors don't offer volume discounts
Unlimited Product SKU's green checkmark *At additional cost
Analytics & Reporting
365-Day Analytics Retention
green checkmark *At additional cost
Real-Time Sync green checkmark *At additional cost
No App Fees green checkmark green x - other competitors don't offer volume discounts
Volume Discounts green checkmark green x - other competitors don't offer volume discounts
All-Inclusive Pricing green checkmark green x - other competitors don't offer volume discounts
Transparent Pay-As-You-Go Billing green checkmark green x - other competitors don't offer volume discounts

Search Feature Highlights

green checkmark

AI-Powered Search

green checkmark

Semantic Search

green checkmark

Long-Tail/Broad Search

green checkmark

Keyword Search

green checkmark

Personalized Search

green checkmark

Manual Search Tuning

green checkmark

Search Redirects

green checkmark

Numeric Search

green checkmark

Synonym Detection

green checkmark

Spell Check

green checkmark

Typo Tolerance

green checkmark


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How are Searches calculated?
    • Searches are calculated based on API calls from our servers. Chargeable search operations include:

      • Keyword searches: When a user enters their search term(s) in the search bar on your website and presses enter.
      • Browse events: Searches generated when users click around your site.

      Importantly, there are no charges associated with importing or managing user events or catalog information (indexing). Additionally, we offer a unique benefit: no charges for autocomplete suggestions and functionality, which sets us apart from our competitors.

  • Are there any fee(s) to download and test the app?
    • No, you can install and use the app for free for 30 days, up to 10,000 searches.
  • What happens after my free trial period is up?
    • When your 30-day free trial concludes, we want to ensure a smooth experience for you. At that point, your search requests through our app will no longer be processed. To continue offering a seamless search experience on your store, you have two easy options:

      • Subscribe with your credit card: If you've enjoyed our app and want to continue benefiting from enhanced AI search capabilities, simply opt-in by adding your credit card details. Your upgraded search will continue without interruption.
      • Return to Default Search: If you decide not to subscribe, no worries! You can easily return your store to its default search functionality. You can do this by uninstalling our app or by disabling the search feature through the Shopify app embed menu.
  • What is required for me to start using GroupBy AI Search & Filter for Shopify?
    • To get started with GroupBy AI Search & Filter all you need to do is install our app from the Shopify App Store. The installation process is incredibly easy and seamless – you won't need to manually provide any details or go through complex setup steps.

      Here's how it works:

      1. Install the App: Simply click on the 'Install' button in the Shopify App Store, and our app will be added to your store.
      2. Automatic Setup: Once installed, our app will automatically retrieve the essential information needed to provide our services. This includes your Shopify store name, your contact information, and your product catalog details. You won't need to do anything; it's a hassle-free experience!
      3. Subscription: If you decide to subscribe to our services, you can do so directly through the app. The process will guide you through the standard Shopify billing approval procedure.

      Importantly, you can rest assured that all billing matters are handled through Shopify. Unlike some competitors who require separate billing accounts with multiple providers, we've streamlined the process to make it as convenient as possible for you.

      With GroupBy AI Search & Filter, you can enhance your store's search functionality without any fuss. We're here to make your Shopify experience even better!

  • How often can I add or remove products from my catalog?
    • GroupBy AI Search & Filter app allows users UNLIMITED product records. This includes adding or removing them through daily indexing.

Start Your Free Trial Now!

For the first time ever, you can try GroupBy’s next-generation platform at no cost! Install today and get your first 30 days free – up to 10,000 search queries!

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